An example of one of the many negative effects of “determinism”

Grandpa couldn’t believe his eyes when he read the following statements by his friends. He could only think of the history of the consequences as well as the effects of how people are treated when Free Will is not the recognized Principle of a society and they believe in and abide by the moral code of the “end justify the means” as a basis of how to treat others.

“And I enjoy being a liberal colectivist statist determinist.”

“All they can think about is the gun held to their head by “government!” All they dream about is free will and then complain about the force of government.”

“We need to take a state like Wyoming or maybe Idaho and turn it into a big ol’ free will colony….”

Well, here is what your Deterministic values have led to. and this is but scratching the surface of what can happen under the principle of determinism. This is government force at its finest hour.

“Elaine Riddick was 13 years old when she got pregnant after being raped by a neighbor in Winfall, N.C., in 1967.  The state ordered that immediately after giving birth, she should be sterilized.  Doctors cut and tied off her fallopian tube

Riddick’s records reveal that a five-person state eugenics board in Raleigh had approved a recommendation that she be sterilized. The records label Riddick as “feebleminded” and “promiscuous.” They said her schoolwork was poor and that she “does not get along well with others.”

It wouldn’t be until Riddick was 19, married and wanting more children, that she’d learn she was incapable of having any more babies. A doctor in New York where she was living at the time told her that she’d been sterilized.”

If you can stomach to read the rest of this story,

Yes, this is a hard hitting example of the concept of determinism but when people refuse to even consider the consequences of what they are advocates of then there is no other way to get through to them.

I’m an advocate of Free Will. What say you?


Categories: Ethics and Morality, My Personal Philosophy of Life, Politics, Science | Tags: , , , , , | 3 Comments

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3 thoughts on “An example of one of the many negative effects of “determinism”

  1. msladydeborah

    Thanks for making me aware of this story Don.

    What a terrible experience for the people that went through it. My heart goes out to them becaue they were terrorized by an idea gone very wrong.


  2. The Griper

    yes, deb, and all because some people think others are too inferior to express their own free will and think they have the right to force them to submit to someone else’s will.

    it is stories like this that makes the fight for the right to express our own free will all the more important. and it is more than an idea gone wrong.

    it is the principle behind idea that needs to be understood and rejected.

  3. Pingback: Another example of the many abuses of determinism and collectivism « The Griper's World

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